Monday, 8 July 2013

Deeper into Kernow.

A quiet night at Jamaica Inn, though most pleasant. We had arrived in plenty of time to see Andy Murray win Wimbledon, and what a cracker that was, well done Andy!
A proud Scotsman, who knows exactly what it meant to the whole of the British sporting public. After that I managed a few pics of Bodmin Moor, inbetween supping a few samplers of Jamaica Inn Ale, brewed at St. Austell, very nice indeed!
Looking Easwards across Bodmin Moor from Jamaica Inn.
The powerful yellow thing slipping lower behind the hills of Bodmin.
and setting quite nicely.
A good breakfast at the inn was followed by a leisurely stroll of 4 ish miles along the very quiet A30, with plenty of good scenery to look at.
Then heading North across the open moor through several small hamlets to reach Wadebridge around 4.30 p.m., an easy plod of 15 miles.
Wadebridge is nice, near the coast, but actually just off the Camel Estuary, close to Padstow.

Two sides of the river, just as you enter Wadebridge town centre.
A rest day tomorrow, before cracking out the final few miles to Lands End by Saturday.
The weather is set fair, and the resting place for two nights is most splendid, proper job.
The Swan Hotel, Wadebridge.
911 miles plodded.
Alec Hawkes  08.07.13

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