Last night we stayed in a motorway service station hotel, decent price, rubbish food - but you would expect that, it served a purpose though, and a lovely surprise also. The manager, wonderful June, shifted our bags to Moffatt from Abington Services, for free! Thank you very much June, you are a diamond!
So, leaving Abington services at 8.14 a.m., we had 18.5 miles to plod to the lovely little town of Moffatt. I found this the easiest walk so far, all flat and most of it along nearly deserted cycle lanes. Decent pace could be maintained very easily, and before noon we had easily cracked out more than half the distance. Wonderful scenery surrounded us, though this was somewhat spoilt by many modern man-made interventions; electricity pylons, wind farms, a motorway, etc - still, we all use modernity, but still hate it when it blights the landscape.

We finally left the company of the A74M and headed towards quiet woodland, then on towards Moffat.

I had bumped into John and Glynis again this morning, and Glynis reliably informed me that Moffatt was only 18.5 miles away, so no problem, but an early start was good as the sun was up very early, and it was very warm very soon!
We are now in Dumfries and Galloway, sadly only two and a bit days from leaving Scotland, but we will savour it while we can. It is really quite lovely.
Tonight's stop is The Black Bull Hotel, in Moffatt.

Another to add to my list of very good Scottish pub/hotels I have visited on this big old plod,
well run by very friendly Nicky Long!
Tomorrow, off to Lockerbie. Mileage today, an easy stroll of 18.5 miles.
Alec Hawkes milko on plodathon 04.06.13
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